CPADO presents at Rehabilitation Services Administration conference in 2004

"From the Consumer's Perspective: What Individuals with Cerebral Palsy and Deafness Hope to Present to Accomplish with Vocational Rehabilitative Services"  at the National Training Conference for State Coordinators of the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing, and Late-Deafened at Gallaudet University in May 2004.


Image of RSA convention


Standing from left to right: Charmaine Lydon (Leading Presenter/Coordinator), Janet Noyes (Panelist), Bill Mathewes (Panelist), Patty Porreca (Panelist), Jim Bishop (Videographer), Arlyce Watson (CPADO Member)

Sitting from left to right: Sally Mooney (Panelist), Phil Watson (Public Relations Director)